Here is Tilo Wolff, founder of Lacrimosa, in a recent exclusive conversation.

Why did you design something as theatrical as the Harlequin?

TILO WOLFF: Because it expresses perfectly many sides of our music, the sadness but always shows a positive way of thinking.

The Harlequin is a costume in view of people because he can be sad but externally shows happiness. Yes, people’s eyes tell you a lot, they are the window of our soul. If you could see behind the mask, you’d notice that also the harlequin is full of emotions, but he does not show them for many reasons.

Why in the last Lacrimosa’s cd cover art does not appear the Harlequin?

TILO WOLFF: He is on the board, staring at lands never seen before and towards the unknown.

If you could redo an album, which one wouldLacrimosa, Echos be?

TILO WOLFF: Any! We have always made music because we have the necessity of expressing us through it. When we open our hearts, we open them widely and we let the music go through us. Composing is an overflow of emotions for me. All the songs have come from the deepest part of our souls and for that reason all the albums are a great part of what we are. We couldn’t redo something we have finished. Our music is a part of our past, in all manners: positive and negative, and there is no needing to change it. In each album we made the best music we could, and we are happy with all of them.

The first albums were more yours, with Anne Nurmi the musical atmosphere has changed. What is the influence of Anne? Do you think she has enriched Lacrimosa’s concept?

TILO WOLFF: We are doing music totally independent, but of course, Anne has influenced in everything in a manner that did not exist before. We complement and inspire each other in a very special way.

Does the music help you as spiritual redemption?

TILO WOLFF: We make music for ourselves, to be better and to understand us.

What makes you happy? Sad?

TILO WOLFF: I can be happy with small things, some warm words, the surprises of nature, etc. and also the music makes me happy. Sadness can be felt when we are disappointed or when the things are not as we wanted. But some times, sadness or melancholy are really positive things. One can be able to show all kind of feelings. You feel better if you let the things flow and find understanding, the source and the road, the solution for the problem.

What is your opinion about life and death?

TILO WOLFF: I believe in God. So that, I also believe we can save our souls in order to live forever. For me is very important not to damage my soul and have the possibility of eternal life after died.

What is the ghost or memory which will never be erased until you die?

TILO WOLFF: There are many, some less beautiful to remember, but I cannot forget them yet. Others are great, as one in Mexico, during our last tour, when a street musician was playing our songs while we were having lunch near there. It was an amazing feeling of immortality.

Do you think it is valid for a happy person singing to the sadness? (Since “Stille” until “Elodia” this feeling is showed) (Question made by Allacrim, Lacrimosa’s former fan).

TILO WOLFF: We write lyrics in all situations, and when they get their final shape to become songs, the emotions of the situation in which we wrote them arise again. It is not easy for us to sing about our feelings even when they are from the past.

Do you think Lacrimosa is more accessible for the mass, and that now the lyrics and music are lighter?

TILO WOLFF: We have reached more listeners not because the music or lyrics are lighter, but due to people have more access to our work. The distribution through the network has gotten more listeners in the entire world. People like our music because they do not need to understand the lyrics. A mind opened is enough; that is what you need to fall in our music.

What is your perception of yourself in this time? How is today’s Tilo?

TILO WOLFF: I try to keep me open all the time. There is still space to develop. What I am now, is exactly a part of what I am going to be tomorrow. So that I’ll never stop in order to learn more and to be more successful.


This interview was taken for Mexican “La Mosca en la pared” magazine .

English version was taken from



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